Newton (1643 – 1727) and Leibniz
developed the calculus independently, although Newton didn’t fully
publish his work until 1704. This was 20 years after Leibniz published his
findings. In 1687, Newton described universal gravitation and the three
laws of motion. Newton also contributed to optics and astronomy.
Birthday: January 4, 1643
Boyle (1627 – 1691) is regarded by many
as the first modern chemist. He formulated the law that the volume of a
gas varies inversely with pressure during an exchange with Franciscus
Linus, a Jesuit critic. This principle is now known as Boyle’s Law. He
worked with Robert Hooke to improve the air pump, and did experiments with
the properties of air.
Birthday: January 25, 1627
Bernoulli (1700 – 1782) formulated what
is known today as Bernoulli’s theorem. This principle states that, in a
flowing stream, the sum of a fluid’s static energy, kinetic energy, and
potential energy is conserved across a constriction in the pipe.
Birthday: January 29, 1700