Louis Gay-Lussac (1778 – 1850) is known for being the first to
formulate what has come to be known as Charles’ Law.
According to this law, a gas expands linearly with a fixed pressure
and rising temperature. While Gay-Lussac was the first to publish this
law, in 1802, he referenced unpublished work
by Jacques Charles from about 1787. For this reason, the principle has
become known as Charles’ Law. Gay-Lussac also discovered, with Alexander
von Humboldt, that the composition of the atmosphere does not change with
decreasing pressure.
Birthday: December 6,
1778 Ernst
Werner von Siemens (known as Werner
von Siemens) (1816 – 1892) was a German inventor and industrialist.
Siemens' name has been adopted as the SI
unit of electrical conductance, the siemens. He was also the founder of
the electrical and telecommunications company Siemens.
December 13, 1816 James
Prescott Joule (1818 – 1889) was a
student of John Dalton. He helped develop the absolute scale of
measurement by working with Lord Kelvin. He also formulated what is now
known as Joule’s law, which governs the relationship between current
flowing through a substance, resistance, and heat dissipated. The joule,
the SI unit of work, is named after him.
December 24, 1818 |